Over many decades many persons have created community and organized events for the Jewish community in Comox Valley.

In 2003 I slowly contacted the Jewish members of the community, and by word of mouth, an internet email list was born. Its purpose was to inform the Jewish community in and around Comox Valley, of coming events in the Comox Valley and around Vancouver island.

By 2006 a small collective, who desired "community", formed the Comox Valley Jewish Community Society. We organized, prepared and created potlucks, religious events and provided a liaison of information among Vancouver Island Jewish communities. 2013 found us needing to take a break. The Society quietly dissolved.

Now ten years later, I am looking at the possibility of, once more, providing a connection email list for the Jewish community in Comox Valley and North Island.

The purpose of the list will be to provide a gentle "Shabbat Shalom" for Friday evenings.

Care to join in building and connecting with your Jewish Community?

I respectfully acknowledge that the land we gather on is on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K'ơmoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land

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