Events are announced through the email based newsletter!

Are you interested in attending events with your community? How can you help make that happen?

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Happiness and joy to everyone!

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Email list sign up

An email list has been created, similar to the one I ran for ten years from 2003 until 2013. The email newsletter will be sent out each Friday in time for Shabbat.
Many laws have changed since that time!
To opt in for this email you will need to subscribe to the list, in order to meet the requirements of CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation) and other Canadian laws.
I am working with a Canadian company, CyberImpact, that ensures compliance to Canadian law.

Due to privacy and security concerns, no personal information of members of our community are listed on this web site.
Please ask permission before forwarding information on the internet or through email.

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To find events going on in the rest of Vancouver Island, check out:

The Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island and check out their Community Calendar.

Important Notes:

Note that contact through the email is quiet (not actively read nor used) during the Shabbat

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For our community events, please bring potluck items that are kosher in style
at the very least this means, for example: no pork, nor shellfish,
also not combining meat and dairy in a dish nor on the same plate.
For more information on Kosher laws go to This Link

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Challah for Shabbat


I respectfully acknowledge that the land we gather on is on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K'ơmoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land

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Original Web site Design by Tara Moses ~ Web Design

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